(1) Call your Representative at 800-473-6711 or 800-828-0498 or 202-224-3121 and say "No Bailout!"
(2) Find or Organize a "No Bailout" protest near you:
(3) Visit your Representative's local office
The Senate's 74-25 vote for Paulson's Plunder came as no surprise, since the Senate is run by and for millionaires. So now it's back to the House of Representatives, where we shocked those millionaires on Monday by defeating their bailout bill by 228-205.
A terrified army of corporate lobbyists is working around the clock to switch 13 votes, but only 7 have switched so far - Jim Ramstad (R-MN), John Shadegg (R-AZ), Zach Wamp (R-TN), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Shelley Berkley (D-NV), Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) and John Lewis (D- GA). Other possible switches include Pat Tiberi (R-OH), Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), John Yarmouth (D-KY), Brian Bilbray (R-CA), Steve Rothman (D-NJ), Lee Terry (R-NE), Jim Gerlach (R-PA), Tim Murphy (R-PA), Jason Altmire (D-PA), and Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). But others may switch from Yes to No, including Ed Markey (D-MA), Charlie Melancon (D-LA), and Spencer Bachus (R-AL).
Bush's first Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, called Paulson's plan "crazy" and "lunacy" with potentially "awful" consequences for the world's largest economy. Many of the best economists agree with O'Neill. Paulson's strongest supporters - including panicked CNBC hosts - now admit it will not raise stock prices or boost the economy as it falls into recession. Then why on earth should we give $700 $850 billion of our tax dollars to Wall Street??? Joe Lieberman gave away the real game when he told FOX " it will be good for John McCain."
With so much at stake, Congress should stay in session for another week (or two) to pass a much better (and cheaper!) plan proposed by Pete DeFazio (D-OR). But Congress desperately wants to go home so Friday may be our last chance to stop this $850 billion disaster .
(1) Call your Representative today!
First check how your Representative voted on Monday (and note switches above):
If (s)he voted NO, say "Thank you for helping stop the Bailout on Monday. Don't betray us now by voting YES on Friday, or I will vote NO against you on Election Day."
If (s)he voted YES, say "I'm outraged that you supported the Bailout on Monday, and I will remember on Election Day. If you want my vote on Election Day, you must vote NO on Friday."
(2) Join or organize a street protest against the bailout:
(3) We're also partnering with Progressive Democrats of America and USAction/TrueMajority to schedule local meetings with our Representatives to demand a Fair Deal for Main St . If you'd like to help,
- Print this letter and fax it to your Representative's district office - use the phone book or search here . On your cover sheet, request a meeting for group of activists as soon as possible.
- Better yet, visit your Representative's district office and follow these instructions .
- Report scheduled meetings to bailout@democrats.com
For inspiration, watch this great video from Agit-Pop:
Find more information and comment here:
Thanks for all you do!
Republicans Blame OBAMA for Wall Street Meltdown - Help Us Fight Back!
Even before the House voted on Monday, the Republican National Committee broadcast an outrageous TV ad blaming Barack Obama for the Wall Street Meltdown:
Our friends at Agit-Pop produced a rapid response 30-second ad that places blame for the meltdown exactly where it belongs, namely Bush-McCain economics :
We don't have Wall Street millions to put this ad on the air, but we have you so please forward this 30-second ad to everyone you know!
Find more info and comment here:
Election Day Countdown: 39 Days
If you want a real scare, watch this video nightmare about Election Night 2008:
If you don't want that nightmare to come true, visit:
1. Register to vote
2. Request to vote absentee
3. Find your polling location
Republicans are working quietly to steal another election by disenfranchising Democratic voters, just as they did in 2000 and 2004. So please make sure your vote counts!
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