Palin Hits Obama For Stance On Pakistan She Recently Seemed To SupportFrom CBS News' Scott Conroy
October 21st, 2008
(RENO, NEV.) - Shifting gears from the economy to foreign policy, Sarah Palin began her rally here with a series of scathing attacks, centered around Joe Biden’s recent comment at a fundraiser that a President Obama would face an international crisis within his first six months in office.
"Our opponent wants to sit down with the world’s worst dictators,” Palin said. “With no preconditions, he proposes to meet with a regime in Tehran that vows to 'wipe Israel off the map.'”
The Alaska governor criticized Obama for advocating cross-border attacks into Pakistan without that nation’s approval, disparaging him for suggesting that the U.S. should engage in “invading the sovereign territory of a troubled partner in the war against terrorism.”
But it was less than a month ago that Palin herself advocated invading the sovereignty of Pakistan, though she did not specify that the attacks would be without Pakistan’s approval.
“So we do cross-border, like from Afghanistan to Pakistan, you think?” Temple University graduate student Michael Rovito asked Palin at a Philadelphia restaurant on Aug. 27.
“If that’s what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should,” Palin said.
When it was noted that Palin’s comments to Rovito seemed to echo Obama’s position on Pakistan while contradicting McCain’s, Palin accused the media of engaging in “gotcha journalism.”
But Palin has a different standard of what constitutes “gotcha journalism” when it comes to her opponents’ interactions with voters...
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Palin Hits Obama For Stance On Pakistan She Recently Seemed To Support