Saturday, September 27, 2008

Anti-Palin rally draws about 1,000 protesters

Anti-Palin rally draws about 1,000 protesters
By KYLE HOPKINS - Anchorage Daily News
Published: September 27th, 2008 05:35 PM

A protest rally blasting Gov. Sarah Palin's handling of the state's so-called Troopergate investigation -- and calling for the attorney general to resign -- drew 1,000 or more people to the Delaney Park Strip in Anchorage on Saturday.

Protesters chanted "recall Palin!" as organizers told the crowd to push state legislators to keep after their investigation into the governor's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

The investigator hired by the Legislature is scheduled to present his report on Oct. 10.

"This report needs to be released. Not just for us ... it needs to be released for all those people in the Lower 48 who are going to make a decision on Nov. 4," Democratic blogger Linda Kellen Biegel told hundreds of protesters gathered on the Park Strip grass.

Earlier, hundreds of people lined I Street, waving signs that said "Steady on her heels, wobbly on her words" and "Tina Fey would do a better job" at passing cars. A group calling itself Alaskans for Truth organized the event, which at times resembled a Barack Obama campaign rally.

Read the rest of the story:
Anti-Palin rally draws about 1,000 protesters

Please check out the new Mudflats blog for a first hand account of the rally:

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