Friday, October 10, 2008

Palin Violated Ethics Laws in Trooper Case, Report Concludes

Palin Violated Ethics Laws in Trooper Case, Report Concludes

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin violated ethics rules by trying to remove her former brother in law from his job as a state trooper, a highly-anticipated legislative report into the matter has concluded. But she didn't break any laws in firing her public safety commissioner, who said he had been pressured to fire the trooper, the report found.
[Photo] Associated Press

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, signed autographs after a rally in Allentown, Pa., Wednesday.

The inquiry, approved by a legislative committee's bipartisan vote, began The report by investigator Stephen Branchflower was released late today in Anchorage by the state legislative panel that commissioned it. The bi-partisan panel voted 12-0 to release the findings to the public. Legislators said they would have to consider later what, if anything, to do now.

The so-called "Troopergate" inquiry was launched in July after Gov. Palin -- now on the Republican presidential ticket -- removed her public safety commissioner, and he later said he had been pressured by the governor, her husband and her staff to fire the trooper, Mike Wooten.

Read the rest of the story:
Palin Violated Ethics Laws in Trooper Case, Report Concludes

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